July was our official vacation month. Starting with 5 days in Kentucky to visit with James's Dad and ending with 7 days in cool Colorado with my sister! If only we could afford to travel more often! But now I am left with more photos than ever to get through...
Since I took so many and hope that someone out there is interested, I will break up the trips in to smaller segments of photos. So, keep checking back. I'll post as I get free time or just make a moment in the day to get back here.

At DFW waiting for our plane to board - anxious and ready to go!

When we arrived there were gift bags for the boys from their cousins
Matthew, Shelby & Andrew...

It wasn't long before the boys had everyone on the floor playing!
(Donna, Nathan, Andrew, Shelby, Matthew, Jim and Evan)

Shelby and Evan playing cars.

James got a chance to catch up with his Grandma Caroline - we call her Grandma Great!

Nathan and Andrew were best buddies right away.
Matthew helped them build a cave and they spent most of their time there!

Grandpa shows Evan the view.

Our first excursion was on Saturday when we went to the Kentucky Railway Museum for a ride on a Steam engine!

Silly Grandma Great!

Everyone enjoyed the museum before our ride, except for Evan who was getting in a nap where he could! (Actually, we kept tricking him with hour long car rides - just enough to put him to sleep!)

Not sure if they are listening to the educational train video or contemplating the scary burger place we just ate at!

Getting ready to board the train!

Tickets please!

Enjoying the lovely Kentucky country side out the window!

Lots of people liked to take photos of the train while we went by!

Nathan in Andrew's hat - looking good!

We saw a dear running through the field, and I was lucky enough to catch him with super zoom on my camera!

Our train, back at the station!

Gifts from Grandma Great, Andrew and Nathan got matching sea turtles at the train shop!
Check back soon to see what we did for the rest of the week!