I was so glad that Grandma and Grandpa Beebe could come over for dinner and go out with us. It was so fun to share the evening with them and they got to see how cute the boys were.

Nathan wanted to be a cat again this year! Yesterday he told me he wanted to be Blackie for Halloween. Blackie was Grandma & Grandpa Beebe's cat. He recently passed away after an accident. I thought it was so sweet that Nathan remembered him and wanted to be him for Halloween. I didn't really know what to get for Evan or how interested he would be in staying in a costume at 7 months old! So I found a really cute lion costume. To my surprise, he didn't mind the costume and hat at all and was content to stay in it for the evening!

After getting dressed and a few photos, we were on our way. Nathan had a blast! He ran up to each house anxious to see if they had candy. He was very polite but seemed to be a little dazed when people would open the door. He would often stand there and forget to say "Trick-or-treat", staring at the people. And sometimes he would stay "thank you" on his own.
There were a couple of times when we were walking to a house and a group of people would be leaving. Nathan would tug on my hand just a little and speed up while asking "do you think they will run out of candy?" To his delight, most houses we stopped at had plenty of candy and often let him pick what he wanted.

When Evan got tired of being in the stroller, Nathan wasn't quite ready to stop so I was so glad we had Grandma and Grandpa with us. They were able to take Evan home with James for a bottle and play time while I took Nathan down one more street. Soon his bucket started getting heavy and Nathan agreed it was time to go home. He was hot and tired (thanks to our 80 degree evening!). I carried him the rest of the way home and his last trick-or-treat was at our front door.

Not only did Nathan have a lot of fun, but he ended up with a good bucket of candy. He enjoyed sampling several different kinds while Daddy handed out candy to kids who came to the door. It was a surprisingly busy night! After looking through the candy, I told Nathan he could have anything but the gum - still a little too young for that. I asked Nathan if we could give the gum to Daddy to give to the other kids that were coming to the door. He said yes and jumped up right away. He took the candy to the door and gave it to the kids! Then he rushed back to sit on the floor and decide which candy to try next.

It was so fun to see Nathan's excitement and joy throughout the evening. It was also a good reminder that Halloween can still be sweet and innocent for little children. It also turned out to be a fun way to see some neighbors we don't talk to nearly enough! Happy Halloween!

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