Okay, so I am going to try to catch up a little on our recent events. We went to Scarborough Faire this year on one of the cooler weekends and really enjoyed it! Nathan loved the idea of wearing his cape and really had fun running around! Evan had a good time, but he's still just a little young to get into it all. Of course, James and I dressed up (it wouldn't be right for us not too!) and it was fun to be back after skipping a few years. The food was good as always, the entertainment was punny (no that is not a type-o) and the weather was good - what more could you ask. We did set a record for us for staying from 10 am until 6pm! The boys were exhausted but they had such a good time! I'll let the photos below tell the rest of the story:

Our first stop inside the gates was the Maze. It was a lot of fun and Evan really loved it. I had to take him back later and he kept asking to go back to it over and over!

We stopped to watch a little of the jousting games. Nathan really enjoyed it, but I gave in and took Evan back to the maze when he got bored with watching.

Nathan got to meet "our" knight and bought a piece of the lance
for a souvenir for himself and one for Evan!

Nathan wanted to ride the "pony ride" and chose the white Lama!

Evan loved these flowers and made me take him over to them so he could stop and smell!

Daniel Duke of Danger always puts on a good show!
It was one of the shows Nathan got to see during the day.

I wonder if they are plotting to take over the kingdom?

We got a good spot to watch the parade go by!

One day at Scarborough Faire and they are ready for battle!
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