It's 10:30 pm, both boys are finally asleep, I am relaxing with a large cup of Stash Tea (one of about 50 flavors I got for my birthday in anticipation of no longer pumping) and the house is quiet at last!
Yep, you heard me right - I am no longer pumping. In fact, Monday night will make a week. It is so wonderful to be back to normal. And all my concern and freezing milk has left us with plenty to start transitioning Evan to Whole Cow's milk. Life is good!
Even better, our little man has turned one year old today. With it comes all those memories of how a year ago today we arrived at the hospital for our scheduled c-section, my sister and her kids were in town and we were all looking forward to meeting the little baby that would join our family. A lot has happened since that day and Evan is growing up fast. He's almost running now!
We had a super fun day today! It was a Little Einstein's Rocket themed party. Grandma and Grandpa Beebe, Grandma and Grandpa Vandever, Nathan, James and I had so much fun celebrating with Evan!

Our decorations for the party

With my Mom's help, I made a Rocket cake for Evan!

Good enough to eat!
He woke at 7 am, and although he didn't really understand what today was all about, he was anxious to get it started. We had fun playing with Nathan and getting the last minute things in place for a party. The grandparents arrived and James started grilling burgers, brats and Nathan's Famous hotdogs! Just as all the food was getting ready, I slipped upstairs with Evan to see if he just might take a much needed nap. I was surprised and pleased that he relaxed into my arms, slurped down his milk and fell quickly asleep! His 2 and 1/2 hour nap gave us a chance to eat lunch, socialize, give Nathan some special attention and let Evan wake up ready for presents!

Grandma Beebe and my new Rocket!

Considering some long distance calls with Grandpa Beebe!

Stories with Grandma and Grandpa Vandever!

A surprise phone call from Grandpa Palmer!
He had a ton to open and almost didn't make it through them all, but he enjoyed it. There were gifts from all of us and my sister Melissa and James's sister Kim sent great gifts. James's Dad sent a savings bond and sweet card and James's Aunt Barbara also sent a very thoughtful bond! There were plenty of new toys for Evan and Nathan to share and a few surprises for Nathan too. All in all a very busy, exciting and fun day.
I'm going to load as many photos as I can here, but then it's off to bed! I'm exhausted after taking Friday off to clean the house and all the excitement of today. And since I'm not pumping any more I am anxious to get to that good nights sleep. So I will finish my tea, choose some photos from today and get them loaded here!
Sweet dreams to my two little boys who are growing up so fast!
Getting ready to sing to Evan:

"Happy Birthday to you!"

Make a wish...

Dig in!

Evan wasn't interested in eating cake or icing, but he had lots of fun playing with it!

All done!

Sorry everyone, but I'm pooped out! Time for bed. I'll post photos of presents soon!
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