Evan is now 11 months old and really on his way to walking. He does a really cute stumbling, sidways walk that will take him halfway across a room. He's so excited about it that he often pulls up to a stand on various objects in a room and takes off, feet going every which way, until he plops down on his bottom.

He's getting a little bit better about eating some days and seems to be chewing on less toys. So we are making some progress. We will be glad when he is not crawling as much because every little spec on the floor goes into his tight little fist and eventually into his mouth if we don't catch him. His favorite snacks are carpet, cat litter (we use a recycled newspaper pellet kind)and paper. But an occasional old dropped cheerio isn't bad either.
We will be going to the doctor's on Monday afternoon to check his iron levels again and see what the next step in that will be.
Nathan is having lots of fun and enjoying all his toys.

Grandma Beebe moved an old computer downstairs so he can play computer games now which has been a big hit. Nathan is very good at moving the mouse around and he is enjoying being in the computer more. His favorite games are mazes and matching photo puzzles.
This coming weekend should be pretty exciting. We have Nathan's first concert to see The Imagination Movers on Saturday at Bass Hall. We are all pretty excited and got good box seat tickets (Evan will spend the morning with Grandma). Then on Sunday we will be doing Evan's baby dedication at church! This is our way of saying Thank You to God for giving us our son and giving him back to God since He is really in control of our lives and everything around us. It's a time to commit to raising him in a Christian home and ask the church to partner with us in teaching our children about God. This has nothing to do with his personal salvation, as we believe he will have to make that choice for himself when he is old enough to understand about God and why Jesus died to save us. We are looking forward to a special day of praising God!
Well, time to march into a new week and see what kind of adventures it will provide.

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