Not to worry, it wasn't anything too grown up! In fact, going to a kid's concert was really nice. It was the most pleasant concert experience I think I've ever had. I've been to a lot of big concerts - Elton John, Billy Joel, Phil Collins, U2 - and Christian concerts - Rich Mullins, Big Daddy Weave, Charlie Peacock... And at all concerts up until this Saturday I have always experiences frustrating to dangerous parking experiences, people pushing and shoving to get in, rude people and a sense of anxiety even though we all had tickets and most of the time reserved seats. I thought it was just part of the event.
I don't know if all kids concerts are like this one, but what a difference!
We went to see the Imagination Movers at the Bass Hall. This was our first experience at Bass Hall, and what a gorgeous venue! The building is lovely, the staff was very nice, helpful and friendly. James's boss gave us a great tip on a parking garage across the street that had free parking and we got one of the closest spots. We arrived about 45 minutes early and the building was pretty empty. They said we could look all around but not enter the concert because they were still setting up. There was one merchandise table and we were the second ones in line to get Nathan a t-shirt. Then we found out that for this event they were allowing cameras in and we could even take photos during the concert! I had brought ours just in case I could get some photos of Nathan in the lobby for the scrap book, I had no idea they would allow photos during the show!
Everyone was laid back, polite and just all about letting their kids have fun. No one was rude or pushy!
The Imagination Movers are a really cool band we found out about on the Disney Channel. It's 4 guys who do 80's style rock with kid lyrics that are really good and clever. (it's nice to have some music for Nathan that doesn't make me want to scream) They just finished their first season of a really cute TV show too. The premise is that they have a business to help people solve problems. They work in a big warehouse and each episode someone comes to them with a problem and they brainstorm and test ideas until they solve the problem. There are always 3-4 songs, their neighbors (a cute girl and her super boring uncle) always come over at some point to help and it's pretty funny. I would say its a modern day version of The Monkey's for kids. (www.imaginationmovers.com)
We bought one of their CDs and really enjoy listening to it with Nathan. And their concert was awesome! We had excellent box seats which was really nice.

We had one other family with us who was very nice, we were up where we could see everything and didn't have to interact with the crowd much. But next time I will get us isle seats on the floor because all of the movers came out into the audience at different times and were great with the kids!

It was a super fun time and Nathan had a blast!

I highly recommend the Imagination Movers if you have kids, their music is great and don't miss their concert!!

Here are the Movers:
Mover Rich

Mover Scott

Mover Dave

and Mover Smitty

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